Monday 2 November 2009

The 'Ex' Thing (Part II)

SLB had forgotten how good it was. A throbbing, heaving mass of men. A gaggle of gays, topless and sweating amongst a blur of boys writhing around on the floor in an entangled mass of limbs. It was heaven. No, it was literally Heaven. The club. And SLB would definitely be calling in sick to work tomorrow. Some sort of Vogue fashion show was taking place, so the contrast between the fit male models and the regular putrid punters at Heaven was particularly stark tonight.

It's funny how the perception of how 'gay' you are can become an attractive (or unattractive) quality in another person. From the preened, make-up laden, heroin chic, pretty boy, lady gay (if I was attracted to women, I wouldn't be gay!) right through to that walking oxymoron, the homophobic gay (of which Joe with a flute was a living example), the rainbow spectrum was broad.

SLB was at Heaven with Rob. Rob was a friend of a friend, and the loveliest guy SLB had met in a long time. Through these mutual friends, SLB knew that Joe with a flute had a massive crush on Rob. He also knew that, because of this fact, he had to sleep with Rob. Tonight. This was Sexual Politics 101...and SLB was writing his dissertation. SLB was not unfamiliar with love triangles (In fact, it was a little known fact that in the incestuous world of gay London, SLB's worst nightmare would be Joe with a flute and Kaleb with a K getting together). Rob, like SLB, had recently come out of a relationship, but of course, getting involved with someone to spite someone else would just be troublesome, so the two boys mutually agreed to be fuck buddies. SLB had never had such a 'buddy' before. He'd slept with a lot of men, that was true, but they were never usually recurring events. This, SLB thought, could become a habit he might rather enjoy. This looked promising. The hard part of course would be not to fall for fuck buddy Rob. But who did that anyway?...

SLB had recently found a small sense of closure on Joe with a flute in the most unlikely of places. It took the form of a Facebook message from another of Joe with a flute's exes who, by way of a freak social anomaly, he was virtual friends with. His message said that SLB would be better off without this ex of theirs anyway and not to worry about the break-up. In sleeping with Rob tonight, he found more closure, and after a not inconsiderable amount of time, SLB thought he might finally be able to move on from Joe with a flute. Huzzah.

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